Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur - or the Day of Atonement

Recently I have begun to explore the Jewish holidays.  I am actually a little surprised that I know so little about these festivals.
As a Christian:

  • I read the Jewish scriptures
  • I follow a Jewish Messiah
  • A Jewish Messiah who would have observed all the festivals
  • The New Testament was written by Jews
And yet I know almost nothing of the holidays that are mentioned in the scripture.  I have even been to Bible school, studied at seminary.  Yet even in these places little was ever mentioned about the Jewish festivals.  
So I am beginning to ask how much am I not seeing in the Bible because I do not have a grasp of the Jewish festivals.  
Now I should note I do not believe that as a Christian I am obligated to follow the festivals (just like I do not believe we need to strictly observe the Sabbath).  But on the other side it is not wrong to follow them.  So why not?  Or at least become aware of them.

Yom Kippur (which started Sept 25 in the evening) is the most holy day.  The major themes are repentance and atonement.  The people are called to repent for the wrongs that they have done to God and to others.  Actually they are to spend the days leading up to Yom Kippur getting things right with God and the people around them.  This day is then spent in prayer and fasting.  

Jesus made atonement for our sins.  Out of being forgiven by God we are to repent and forgive others.
Today would a good day to confess, make things right with others, and remember the wonder of God's mercy and grace found in the cross.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Young Adults

Young Adults are leaving the church.  It appears that as soon as young people get to decide on their own to come to church or not about 70% walk away.
Next week David Sawler, author of Goodbye Generation, is coming to Altona and will be doing a workshop Saturday morning.
Also there was a new report just released that looked at this issue from a Canadian perspective.  It is called "Hemorrhaging Faith" (you tell by the title this is not good news).
100 Huntley Street interviewed some people about this.  Take a look.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Matthew 18:1-14 - Going deeper

Sunday's message was on Matthew 18:1-14. 
A quick summary:
  • How to be great in God's kingdom?  
    • Become radically dependent upon God
    • Become passionate (care for) the little ones (children).
Here are some things we should do as result of this passage:
  • Practice hospitality
  • Volunteer and serve (Sunday School possibly)
  • Pray for children/youth/young believers

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

End of Summer

Summer is almost at an end.
Summer often disrupts my routine in life.  Not a bad thing - holidays, camping...
However now in fall I get a chance to re-think what routines am I going to keep doing, which ones should I drop, and which ones should I add.  Here are some of things I am thinking as of right now:

  • A prayer time as I walk my dog (pray as you go)
  • Continuing to read through the bible
  • Learning French
  • Learning drums
  • Riding bike