Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Matthew 18:1-14 - Going deeper

Sunday's message was on Matthew 18:1-14. 
A quick summary:
  • How to be great in God's kingdom?  
    • Become radically dependent upon God
    • Become passionate (care for) the little ones (children).
Here are some things we should do as result of this passage:
  • Practice hospitality
  • Volunteer and serve (Sunday School possibly)
  • Pray for children/youth/young believers


Peter said...

Wondering if you have any wisdom around how to Become radically dependent upon God.

Seems like (at least for me) I/we end up being so (apparently) self sufficient that depending on God seems like an after thought.

Ben said...

So I am not the only one who often relies upon themselves instead of God.
Not sure if I have a lot of wisdom. But two things seem to help me. Involve other people in my life. It is interesting that the next thing Jesus will talk about is how to help someone who has walked away from him. I need to confess my sin to someone and invite them to hold me accountable.
The other thing is to work at being aware of God's presence through out the day. A good book that has helped me in this is Greg Boyd "Present Perfect"