Friday, February 19, 2010

Preparing a place

I love God's people. Right now our community is preparing a place for a Palestine family who became refugee as a result of the war in Iraq. We get the honor of having them become a part of our local community. And when the people of God around here found out I got a phone call from a family offering a whole bunch of furniture. There have been many others offering to help in some way.

This family is going to need some more things. Right now we have a home for them to live in that is fully furnished for a couple of months. But after that they are going to need a lot of different stuff to help them settle.
One of the biggest needs that they will have is community. Pray that we will welcome them into our community and that they will experience love.
And most importantly that they will experience the love of God through Jesus Christ. Pray that a miracle will happen and that they will come to trust Jesus.

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